
Airbrush, or what?


Hey, guys. I have a Fender Strat that I'm thinkin about gettin a new design painted on. Any places in Houston you guys know of? I know a couple of places that airbrush shirts and whatever else you decide to bring up there. Should I do it that way, get a decal printed... or do you guys have any other suggestions? Right now I have a picture of Donatello where I want the other picture to be, but that's just permanent marker. I'd paint the new one on myself, but... I can't draw worth a damn. Lol. Any ideas, guys?

http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs017.snc1/4517_83955737127_500652127_1761347_1656126_n.jpg The pic of my Strat with Donatello
actually your Ninja Turtle is pretty cool!

for the detail in the new design...Unless your airbrsh guy is GREAT! I'd get a decal printed.

OR you can get someone to hand paint it and clear coat over it.
Seems like the decal is the best way to go. I saw another thread on here talkin somethin about skins?  Best route?
A decal would probably be the easiest and most exact reproduction of your picture.  A real artist could bring it to another level though.  It depends on what you're looking for.