
Ack... oops just put a crack in my body


So I came home from work today and was going to stain my sg mahogany body.  I was planning on using minwax sedona red but I actually think I'm just going to do it natural now.  So I wiped it down with mineral spirits to remove dust and fingerprints but I guess that I used wayy too much.  I used a foam brush and I think there was a bit too much that got in the neck pickup cavity.  So I think it was because of the cooling effect from the evaporation of the spirits and that I laid it down on top of my car (I live in AZ and just got home from work so the hood of my car was hot).  Then when I came back to check on it to apply the first coat of tru oil I noticed a crack on both sides of the pickup cavity!!!  Not bad, the top will be covered up with the mounting ring and the bottom will be covered with filler :laughing3: :laughing3:  and we could always use a pickguard.  Totally dropped a load when I saw it.  Damn you physics.
That's too bad. But, it sounds like you can recover from it. Might want to consider wicking some thin CyA into the crack(s).

I had an old '61 Melody Maker back when I was just a grasshopper, and had a similar thing happen. The control cavity is very thin on top, and doesn't have much meat on the sides at the upper and lower extremes, and just handling it cracked that along the grain. There was no super glue back then, so it was necessary to break it even more to get some wood glue in there, then clamp it up. Didn't have any more trouble with it, but it was unnerving. That was mahogany as well.

I've since seen several of those bodies with a break in the same place. Not good design, structurally.