


Junior Member
I would love to see Warmoth necks fit All Access Neck Joint guitars.  I have a Ibanez with a wizard, but i want a warmoth neck with more meat, but would still fit my Ibby.
downhomerock said:
Yeahh, I totally agree.  Im sure it wouldnt be easy to get [an Ibanez license] though would it?

Tough to say. It would be in Ibanez's best interests to grant one, as it would add value to their product line and would probably result in increased sales for them as well via higher residual values for their existing and future customers. But, some companies can be pretty short-sighted about such things, incorrectly believing that keeping their designs to themselves gives them some sort of exclusivity edge.

Fact is, examples abound where products that are allowed to run free in the aftermarket succeed on much greater levels than those that are locked up. The IBM PC, Fender Strat, USB ports and VHS tape machines come immediately to mind.
You can do what I just did and talk to Doug over at Soulmate guitars.  He is building an Ibanez AANJ, Honduran rosewood - pau ferro neck for my Voyager.

Mmmm... Pau Ferro...
crash said:
You can do what I just did and talk to Doug over at Soulmate guitars.  He is building an Ibanez AANJ, Honduran rosewood - pau ferro neck for my Voyager.
I can vouch for Doug, he makes some kick ass necks. I have one from him and it's a gem... :headbang1: