
48 Hour Rule

I've usually found creative ways to pay for mine.  In other words, the joint bank account never felt a music purchase anyway.  My wife couldn't tell you how many I had, but could recognize what was mine if it was in front of her.  I was joking with Max that if they were all the same color, she wouldn't know what was new or old.  She is even more clueless about my rig(s).

To answer your question, never had to fall back on the 48 hour rule.
This works especially well with guns. Guitars - my wife knows them by color. Even when one is a 12 string, it's 'the brown one'.
BTW - a gun safe, most people think of it as a 'safe' in the bank vault - keep it safe - sense. It's more like the baseball sense of the word 'safe'.

Once it makes it in the magic box, it's SAFE! Totally indistinguishable from all others already in there.