
2-screw Gibson truss rod cover?


Master Member
Will the standard Gibson truss rod cover work on a Warmoth-style neck?

The screws have to stradle the truss rod..  you'd have to go with this one I believe...
i'm gonna use this one customized...
Nope, unless you attach it with just the top screw. Take a look and you'll see what I mean...

Sorry, I should have been clearer.  I know the bottom screw has nowhere to go... I'm willing to fake it by gluing the screw to the cover.  :laughing7:  My question is just whether that sort of plate will actually cover the whole rout or not.
no, it wil leave 2 triangle shaped holes (near that little round piece were the screw goes).
AutoBat said:
wow. 3 year necropost!  *golfclap*

On the forum I used to hang around it was always better to post in an existing thread than to start a new thread, it seems like it's not the case here...
Well, while dbw still lurks about a bit (I PM'ed him a couple of months ago) he hasn't posted since July, so good luck getting an answer :icon_biggrin: Check in the Gallery section?

Edit, here we go: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=5049.msg58691#msg58691
fourdogslong: if the post is relevant, by all means post.  just a little dustier than most ;)