the point?
it is the ANTI BUILD
Just how cheap can we do this
granted you get a body neck and hardware and pay for it all and get good stuff you end up with a 600 to 1000 dollar build, and that is the bottom end
now, If we had to go out and find everything, pay for nothing, everything we pay for counts against us, and put together a axe that sounds good, and plays nice, and looks like you would play it on stage without having to explain why. Now that is a challenge. 1 guy builds, the other 2 go out and source parts from places they can get them for free, and if a team member donates it, that counts against them, and if they buy it, that counts against them, the limit is 200 dollars,
That would be fun, finding a body at some buddies house, having to beg paint to paint it, and finding some shelac at someones house to finish it, begging 2 pickups from the local repair shop, as well as pots and stuff,
when it is all over, we get votes on both sound and looks, and then decide who made it cheaper/best.
even screws can not come from a team members house.
Oh, let us say in the spirit of not wanting to cut any fingers, String can be purchased
what we will be able to show off as a forum is our ability to build, no matter whose parts, and then it makes us being die hard Warmoth fans that much better, as we can do it with anything, we are here because we like it.
or we can feature all the 100 dollar builds just like every other guitar forum out there and be no better than any of them