
Recent content by WchoyCustomGuitars

  1. WchoyCustomGuitars

    There's Some Little Red Spots on My Neck Today...

    Oddball. I sometimes buy guitar bodies and necks through retailers other than Warmoth (I know, sacrilege) and I recently received a maple/maple neck like I've never seen before. The wood grain on the maple fretboard has a gentle ocean like wave, or soft cloud pattern. It kind of reminds me of a...
  2. WchoyCustomGuitars

    24 Fret Neck on a 22 Fret Body? 22 Fret Neck on a 24 Fret Body? Confusion Elimination with this Helpful Diagram! Yaaay!

    Hey! I had someone ask me about fitting a 24 neck onto a guitar body that was setup for a 24 fret neck. "Well," they said - "just buy a 24 fret neck from Warmoth and be done with it." Not so fast, my friend. Nope. Naa-ahh. I had to try to explain that guitar makers like ESP/LTD, Ibanez...
  3. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    Test fitted the same Warmoth neck into a painted metallic blue body I have sitting around that I bought on eBay, it does sit higher on the San Dimas body - not by a whole lot, but you can tell how the side marker dot isn't in the middle of the visible portion of neck meat at the body neck pocket...
  4. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    Here's a shot I got online of the same guitar, but with the stock Charvel neck. I'm thinking that the neck rose up as I rested it to take photos with my cellphone? The neck depth measurements (bottom of neck at the heel where it contacts the body neck pocket floor and the top of the fretboard...
  5. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    Soooooo... I got the San Dimas body the other day. It's freakin' IMMACULATE. I had to scour it inch by inch, and finally saw the small neck plate indents on the back of the body at the neck plate area - at one point, it did have a neck attached to it. Aside from the neck plate attachment dents...
  6. WchoyCustomGuitars

    You're Messing With My Head. Warmoth's 6100 fret wire is actually Dunlop 6000 fret wire?

    So I have like 3 Warmoth necks, all with the biggest fret wire you can order. I've always thought to myself what a bummer it was that Warmoth didn't offer the biggest, fattest Dunlop 6000 fret wire as an option, as I have installed on one of my guitars. I emailed them, asking if the BIG Dunlop...
  7. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    I watch that Sam Crack guy on YouTube, who repairs salvage title super cars and I think a quote from him would be suitable here: "You can fix ANYTHING if you put enough time and money into it."
  8. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    the poster replies in the thread concerning the gap issue with the blasphemous Warmoth/Charvel unholy body and neck marriage: "Thanks fellas. I wasn’t aware about the difference in the charvel neck pocket and the Warmoth / fender spec neck until I got all the parts. The pre drilled holes in...
  9. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    Looks like it has been done before - with success if the guy's being honest at least. taken from The Gear Page forum: "I put this together recently. Really happy with how it looks and plays! Charvel San Dimas body Warmoth modern maple neck - standard thin, compound radius 10-16, SS jumbo...
  10. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    So after much exploring in the said rabbit hole I mentioned earlier, I found out that it appears that the neck depth neck pocket in the body in those newer MIM Charvels is indeed the same depth that Fender and Warmoth use - 5/8ths (16mm) deep. Makes sense since back in the day, Wayne copied the...
  11. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    Looks like the same seller has another one listed on eBay for auction:
  12. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    It's a recent Pro Mod HH with Floyd - Chameleon satin with white Duncan pickups. Right now, I'm leaning towards the Musikraft custom built neck - as you can get a great looking Kramer Banana head as well as GIANT Dunlop 6000 frets. *but* I'm willing to hear what you had in mind as far as...
  13. WchoyCustomGuitars

    I Bought a Loaded Charvel Body, Now I Need a Neck!

    Hello All, I recently lucked out and bought a Charvel Pro Mod body on eBay at auction for a great price (little over $300). The body came loaded: Duncan pickups, neck plate, neck screws, Floyd tremolo, knobs, pots, back plates - the whole 9. My initial thoughts were to simply mount a Warmoth...
  14. WchoyCustomGuitars

    Warmoth 22 fret or 24 fret Body Compatibility?

    After finding a detailed photo of a 24 fret Warmoth neck online... Yeah - it's not gonna work. Holy Moley.