Recent content by TonyT

  1. T

    Ever seen this?

    Thinking about a warmoth deluxe jazz bass body with a warmoth style neck. Anybody ever see this? links to pics? what are your opinions, look-wise?
  2. T

    Gecko5 VS. G5

    I think I have moved from gecko5 vs. G5 right into 34" vs. 35"
  3. T

    Gecko5 VS. G5

    So how to guarantee this stiff construction that does not flex. Just properly putting it together?
  4. T

    Gecko5 VS. G5

    Thanks. This will be my 1st 5 string, played many (not sure if they were 34" or 35" but never owned one... yet. I'm just caught up on this gecko and g5 thing, not sure why, they both look like nice basses.
  5. T

    Gecko5 VS. G5

    Yep 34" vs 35" I hadn't noticed that, thanks for pointing it out. So no 35" G5's? I've read a ton about how sweet the low B is on the 35"
  6. T

    Gecko5 VS. G5

    I couldn't find an existing thread, please direct me if I have missed it. Excited for my 1st Warmoth build and hung up on which to go for, the gecko 5 or the G5. Of course I notice the neck pocket difference (does this play a major role?)  what other differences between the two? Anyone on here...