
Recent content by paulkevinanderson

  1. P

    Fretless fingerboard coating?

    If there were one thing that could "save" music from the pitfalls of digitalization, it would be fretless guitar. Digitalization began with the piano, and moved onto the guitar, and now it's computerized, reductive, and new musicians have no idea what they are missing, because they think...
  2. P

    Fretless fingerboard coating?

    The reasoning behind a fretless guitar is that its a guitar, not a silent bass, not a screeching virtuoso melody violin, not a whiny, tinny lap steel. It "handles" like a guitar, and sounds like a guitar.
  3. P

    Fretless fingerboard coating?

    Musically, the advantage of fretless is independent fretting of strings, unlike a slide guitar which is linear ( because a slide is fixed in one straight position.) You can change fretting finger distances while you play, slide one finger a tone, and the other a half tone. Fretless players who...
  4. P

    Fretless fingerboard coating?

    I have pried the frets from a brand new. Vangoa 12 string, and filled the grooves with shellac purchased on line. Results are uneven-- the shellac didn' t magically level the fingerboard when it dried, and now the board that was rough is now rough and gummy--but I would definitely do it again...