
Recent content by MattInSeattle

  1. MattInSeattle

    Graph Tech Ratio Locking Tuners how to install?

    The cost to get that jig machined in low quantity was prohibitive, so I came up with an alternate solution. I 3D printed a part and pressed hardened steel drill bushings from McMaster-Carr into it. This is less expensive, and, because it uses those bushings, should last much longer. I still want...
  2. MattInSeattle

    Graph Tech Ratio Locking Tuners how to install?

    My friend finished machining the jig. I'm going to go pick it up today. Here's a picture.
  3. MattInSeattle

    Does anyone else like/collect knives?

    Very nice knife that is amazingly lightweight. Benchmade is pricey, but their customer service is top-notch.
  4. MattInSeattle

    Graph Tech Ratio Locking Tuners how to install?

    Back on topic - here is a screen shot of my CAD design for the Graphtech tuner jig. I've largely recreated the shape of the StewMac jig, but of course with the hole location spacing changed to match the Graphtech Ratio spacings. But I am thinking of simplifying it to make it easier and cheaper...
  5. MattInSeattle

    Graph Tech Ratio Locking Tuners how to install?

    Oh, my mistake - I thought you were an admin. I can empathize with the challenges. I set up hosting for a friend's forum a couple of years ago (actually set it up 3 times, before we landed somewhere good), and was an active admin there for awhile. I was amazed at the constant barage of probes...
  6. MattInSeattle

    Does anyone else like/collect knives?

    That's my favorite part of the show - when some person with a low-key garage set-up knocks it out of the park (definitely the case here).
  7. MattInSeattle

    Does anyone else like/collect knives?

    Be careful you don't hurt yourself with that. Looks dangerous.
  8. MattInSeattle

    Does anyone else like/collect knives?

    I remember this episode. That was one of the more challenging projects they gave on the show.
  9. MattInSeattle

    Does anyone else like/collect knives?

    I'm sure I saw your cousin on that show as I watched all of them. It was impressive what those guys could do in such short time. Another good resource to sell knives is bladeforums-dot-com. That reminds me, I need to unload my knives...
  10. MattInSeattle

    Opinions Needed - White Nitro or keep Natural?

    I'm the same way. I understand and appreciate why people like them, but whenever I see a bold grained wood in a natural or brownish finish, it reminds me of the furniture in cheap hotel rooms.
  11. MattInSeattle

    Exotic Lam Top bodies released today....

    Must resist. My wife has just purchased me a PRS SE for my birthday, and I would for sure be in the doghouse if I build another guitar. But those look awesome.
  12. MattInSeattle

    Does anyone else like/collect knives?

    I do have quite a collection of knives, although I don't actively collect them know (now I collect guitars, apparently). In fact, I have some of the same knives you show there - several of the SpyderCo, and also I have a couple of Benchmade 940.
  13. MattInSeattle

    New video: My top 5 things guitarists suffer from.

    I'm going to show this one to my wife today. She'll appreciate the "multiple empty guitar cases" one for sure. And it's probably obvious, but the 6th one I would add is "guitars everywhere".
  14. MattInSeattle

    Graph Tech Ratio Locking Tuners how to install?

    I did actually - I had a ruler clamped up against the plates and 9.8mm wooden dowels through each to center them on the holes. Unfortunately, the main hole in the plates is oversized, so there is enough wiggle room for it to get off a bit, and you can see that one on the end is misaligned. I am...