Recent content by kruneh

  1. K

    Nylon Telecaster

    Now, that´s a very cool project  :occasion14: Looks great too!
  2. K

    Pantera—Vulgar Display Of Power

    I´d say the debut of Machine Head "Burn my Eyes". Realeased a few years later, but still from the same era. You might check out Crowbar and also Anselmos other band Down (especially "Nola").
  3. K

    Meet Holly (red quilt L5s)

    That looks awesome, great job!
  4. K


    Hey that looks great! Can´t beat an oil finish on beautyful woods. I´m curious to try out the Piledrivers myself for an upcoming build.
  5. K

    Tele Special (Tonarcaster)

    Wow, that is a beauty! I really like that finish no matter how difficult it was for Tonar :D Classy and vintage, but still modern in a way, great choices all along!
  6. K

    GAS Alert!!!!

    Wow, that is beyond cool  :headbang:
  7. K


    Awesome, gotta love that top! Great headstock design too  :headbang:
  8. K

    COMPLETED!!! Warmoth Z Metal build(56K Warning)

    Stating the obvious here, but that dye job is amazing  :headbang: Looking forward to more pics!
  9. K

    new here, first Warmoth order on the way

    Cool, I saw that on the Seymour Duncan forum yesterday and tried to find it in the gallery here :D I love it, pretty sure thinline will be my next build.
  10. K

    I got bored.... So I ordered a new project!

    That´s me ;) Du er ikke så uskyldig som de tror her, er du vel  :toothy12: Neia, driver med en strat jeg og, lett å bli bitt av basillen.
  11. K

    I got bored.... So I ordered a new project!

    That is one sweet finish! Fireburst right? I almost went for a fireburst myself, but ended up doing a homemade green something instead...  :toothy12:
  12. K

    Bargain Strat

    Looks awesome, love the colour together with the gloss pickguard and the DiMarzios!
  13. K

    Candy Tangerine Jazzmaster

    Sweet! I was looking at that in the showcase, I think I could fall in love with candy tangerine pretty easily.
  14. K


    Stunning! It´s said before here, but the neck and body matches perfectly.
  15. K

    Green Korina Strat

    Yes, more pics please! I was eyeing that one during the sale, among a few other green ones, but this one was truly the nicest of them all.