Recent content by Kain VKail

  1. K

    The heels for seven string neck blanks. Can you carve for an Ibanez AANJ Slot

    no I'll definitely talk to the custom shop though. I just want it to fit at the heel and be 25.5 with a blank headstock. I have a headstock shape I've carved a few times for other guitars. maybe you guys know another luthier that will do a custom neck? Like I said the only reason I chose...
  2. K

    The heels for seven string neck blanks. Can you carve for an Ibanez AANJ Slot

    that's the thing, I am carving it myself I'll post pics of what I've been working on. I'm trying to get a  Birdseye maple neck and the correct amount of wood at the heel. And the scale length kinda makes me upset. That .5 for the 25.5 makes a good bit of difference for my hands. Intonation can...
  3. K

    The heels for seven string neck blanks. Can you carve for an Ibanez AANJ Slot

    I'm doing the head stock myself. I need the heel of a warmoth  seven string neck custom made or just whether I can make it fit myself with the amount of wood at the heel. I just like warmoths neck shape for the standard thin. I don't have a problem carving the headatock and heel to fit the...
  4. K

    The heels for seven string neck blanks. Can you carve for an Ibanez AANJ Slot

    I want to know if they have enough wood in the heel and enough width to fit it? Maybe I could put Some kind of shim or something. Does warmoth maybe give an upcharge of like 30-75 for a custom heel? cause I know they do custom headstocks for 50. Does anyone have experience with this at all...
  5. K

    White pearl Soloist - new pics on page 6

    well its been painted then stripped and im sure repainted by now.
  6. K

    White pearl Soloist - new pics on page 6

    yep dems duh breaks. gotohs fits nicely but the pivot screws are HUGE in comparison. saddly the same thing happened to me but i was a bit younger and kinda guitar-ted. o bought a LO-Pro OFR thinking itd be about the same and its not at all and $100 more and now i cant sell it cause noone wants...
  7. K

    Is a Humbucking Singlecoil wired/Soldered different from a humbucker?

    hmmmm well i wouldnt really be sure which i liked better considering ive never had either.and its slightly hard for me to understand because im honestly not very good with electronics. hahaha i have a feeling i shouldnt be doing this at all. But could you do me a favor. i was wondering if you...
  8. K

    Is a Humbucking Singlecoil wired/Soldered different from a humbucker?

    Yah i really have no idea what im doing still. BUT i did redo the diagram a bit. tell me if this can be fixed im not really sure where to add which wires to where.
  9. K

    Is a Humbucking Singlecoil wired/Soldered different from a humbucker?

    So this whole soldering thing is really hard. i have an old samick with a pickguard and i was trying it out on that stuff and i didnt really get anywhere with it but i was having a tough time getting the hang of it, and im still not too sure about it. i think im gonna watch a few soldering...
  10. K

    Which job would you like at Warmoth ?

    Id personally like to be an apprentice of someones there.
  11. K

    Is a Humbucking Singlecoil wired/Soldered different from a humbucker?

    yah i think ill do 2 volumes and a master tone. i dont intend to play with the tone too much so this will probably be best. and yah i think ill take you up on that offer haha line6man. thanks a ton.
  12. K

    Is a Humbucking Singlecoil wired/Soldered different from a humbucker?

    Yah thats what my Rhoads has. i think i like that idea the best but i cant find that schematic either. hahaha im not very good at this game.
  13. K

    Is a Humbucking Singlecoil wired/Soldered different from a humbucker?

    well since you put it that way ill Could just either do 3 volume pots or 2 volume one for the 2 singles and 1 for the humbucker. i mean it can go lots of ways.
  14. K

    Guitar wiring links.....Beginners and advanced....

    Just so every one knows the color Codes/Chart for Suhr: Seymour Duncan/Suhr are the Same Codes