
Recent content by jule7625

  1. J

    Dimarzio's :O

    I think it was Steve Blucher of DiMarzio who had two pickups for Eddie to try out.  Eddie couldn't decide between the two, so he asked Steve Lukather to help him decide.  He chose the pickup that became the standard for the Ernie Ball guitar.  Steve Blucher preferred the other one, which became...
  2. J

    Has anyone tried a Bare Knuckles 'Cold Sweat' set of pups?

    A friend of mine bought a VH2 pickup.  Expecting the 'brown' sound, he was disappointed with a toppy, thin sound.  The poles were too wide, too.  He bought an F-spaced DiMarzio Tone Zone and has never looked back.  Don't know whether it was the one pickup or what, but...  I don't know about the...
  3. J

    Tone Zone in the Neck position

    It'll be most likely for those who want a jazz guitar kinda sound from a solid body.  Go for an Air Zone if you have The Tone Zone in the bridge. I'd recommend an Humbucker From Hell, Air Norton, or Bluesbucker. Check out DiMarzio.com for further information. I love The Tone Zone.  Have it in...
  4. J

    Finally arrived!!! VW carved top + Warmoth neck

    It seems that way, JamesL.  Check out:  VW Bodies in, General Discussion -- at the time of this posting, on page 3.
  5. J

    Finally arrived!!! VW carved top + Warmoth neck

    Nice!! Was the body from the showcase or special order. Probably one of the last VW bodies, since Warmoth aren't able to make them anymore.
  6. J

    Build your own LP

    Now if only you could incorporate the features of that, with the kisekae site, plus the warmoth showcase options.....  That'd be pretty sweet. Nice idea re above. I lost patience, too.  Closed the link down.  But then Fibredrive's example looks pretty cool.  Gonna load up again.
  7. J

    Need Help/Suggestions for First Guitar Project

    I personally don't like Basswood.  I've had a few and got rid of them, pretty much straight away.  I'd suggest Alder or Mahogany. I love the Evolutions.  Love the neck pickup, too. Do Warmoth scallop the extra frets? Also, beware of the extra frets when ordering the rout of the neck humbucker --...
  8. J

    Radical Shapes reduced?

    Unfortunately Warmoth no longer offer the BC Rich inspired bodies per demand of BC Rich. But yeah, it may be possible to request a custom body.  Email... There's a little more on this topic on Page 2 (at point of posting this) -- 'Is it true?'
  9. J

    Is it true?

    Totally sucks!!!  I sent an email not so long ago, to find out more information on a Mockingbird idea I had. Then, I looked on the site and saw no Mockingbird. I wanted to do a Gold Top version -- Mahogany body with Mahogany 24 3/4 neck.  Gold Top Gold on the top and top bevels, clear on the...
  10. J

    Anyone here have/play an all pau ferro neck?

    I have a Pau Ferro neck.  And yeah, Guitlouie, I'd really recommend it.  It feels so smooth. The neck is fitted to a one piece Flamed Koa body. Being a fan of Reb Beach, of course, I've gone for EMGs and a Floyd Rose. Headstock's autographed by him too :) Had the guitar for over a year -- Need...
  11. J

    Wild Quilt body in; change in plans?

    Had my eye on the body for a while.  In fact, been looking on the showcase tonight and realised it had been sold.  Don't have the money right now (and the past few months) anyway.  Surely, this won't be your Gold Top Fenson (yeah, 'course not).  What was the comment on the showcase?  'Whoa, off...
  12. J

    Dimarzio D Activator

    Check out, http://www.guitarworld.com/article/dimarzio_d_activator_dp220_and_dp219_pickups
  13. J

    Dimarzio D Activator

    I don't have the review with me now, but the guitar gets a great review in Guitar World with Eddie Van Halen on the cover.  The pickups sound excellent.  Look out for the issue, if you're interested.  Otherwise, I will try to get the quote of the pickups from the review.