
Recent content by elJefe

  1. elJefe

    First Warmoth body and neck has arrived - Mustang!

    Thanks! No personal experience with that particular pickup, but I've heard lots of good reviews about the DiMarzios over the years. (For whatever reason I never tried any- went with Seymour Duncans for my first aftermarket pickups and it has grown from there.). Let us know how you like them...
  2. elJefe

    First Warmoth body and neck has arrived - Mustang!

    Looks good! What did you go with for pickups? I think they look cool with the exposed polepieces vs. the typical "smooth" covers.
  3. elJefe

    A few things holding me back from ordering

    I second the recommendation for anything Mr. Dan Erlewine has written on guitar building, setup, & repair. He is an encyclopedia of guitar knowledge. I also recommend two additional books: Make your own electric guitar by Melvyn Hiscock (ISBN 0 9531049 0 7). This is my absolute go-to if I had...
  4. elJefe

    Roasted Swamp Ash / Mahogany Telecaster

    Nice job! One classy guitar. I don't usually go for satin finishes, but that was definitely the right call on this one. Excellent.
  5. elJefe

    First Warmoth body and neck has arrived - Mustang!

    Hey! Those saddles look pretty sweet! What brand did you go with? Asking as I also am considering upgrading the stock Toronado saddles. :cool:
  6. elJefe

    Locking Washers alternative?

    ESP Multi Spanner. Item # 1344, and Adjustable Toggle Switch Wrench Item # 1699 Never underestimate having the correct tools. The fine knurling on the toggle is easy to damage without the appropriate tool, and it is easy for vicegrips or pliers to slip and damage wither the nut, or worse yet...
  7. elJefe

    Locking Washers alternative?

    Not sure where you are located, but StewMac has at least 2 wrenches specifically to help with these toggle switches.
  8. elJefe

    Toronado bridge saddle screw sizes?

    I actually don't own an imperial thread gage, but looking at my Toronado bridge it appears that both the saddle height and intonation screws are M3 x 0.5. The saddle height screws appear to be 10mm long. The intonation screws are ~ 16mm long. Regardless, be very careful not to cross-thread...