
Recent content by dumpsite

  1. dumpsite

    Anyone have an older padouk neck?

    Curious about how they look when they age. Supposedly they oxidize to a warm brown. If anyone has a photo of one I’d appreciate you sharing it. Thanks!
  2. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    More sparkly
  3. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    Sometimes you have to have to go a long way to go a short way correctly. Lots of things I would have done differently here but good enough for rock ‘n roll!
  4. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    From morning into early afternoon I lightly sprayed 3 cans worth of Rustoleum 2x Clear Gloss. I read good things about 2X on a telecaster forum. It's so textured from the glitter spray it really doesn't change the look much but it does highlight my mistakes with the color coat. At this...
  5. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    I’m going to do a clear coat spray
  6. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    It seems very... "styrofoamy" Gonna try and clearcoat it and see if it cracks off
  7. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    You are probably right. Too late now. I went round the bend and sprayed it with blue sparkle paint. It doesn't seem very sticky 😟
  8. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    So I went out this morning and this is what the body looked like Pretty darn blue right? Then I applied a very light coat of tru-oil: The image doesn't even show - it was sea-green now! %@#! Stripped off tru-oil: Argh!
  9. dumpsite

    The Golden Iceman

    What a great idea! That's gorgeous!
  10. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    So this time I mixed a half teaspoon of dye to 6 ounces of lacquer thinner. That's the max ratio suggested by Keda. Third Coat Wet: Third Coat dry: Fourth Coat wet: Fourth coat dry and burnished in direct sunlight: Tomorrow Tru-oil!
  11. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    i would love to see a picture!
  12. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    Thanks! I knew blue was a risk for this wood. If I wanted to build an accurate Harris tribute bass it would be a two piece maple body in blue metal flake. It would be awesome and also cost me about $600. I have an all maple jazz bass already and I love it but Harris uses flat wounds and his...
  13. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    So this is how it looked this morning: Not bad. A little green starting to come through from the grain but hey its wood. The finish will also darken it up. I probably would be good to go here but I read a comment on the Keda YouTube page that said the best results with Keda wood dye is to...
  14. dumpsite

    Black (and Blue) Korina P Bass

    So every site I've found says that Blue dye and Black Korina don't mix. They are probably right. However, I have this fantastic black korina P Bass body and need a bass for a Maiden Tribute. I purchased some Keda Royal Blue Dye. I mixed roughly 7 ounces of lacquer thinner with one half teaspoon...