
Recent content by dram773

  1. D

    Brian May pickups and wiring question(s)

    Thanks for the tip - I'll check it out :)
  2. D

    Brian May pickups and wiring question(s)

    After some thought over the long weekend, I think I'll go for a superswitch and 3 push-pull pots rather than individual switches. Theoretically, this can give me 85 sound combinations (although some might be redundant) and free up space for the sustainer/harmonic and synth PCBs. It won't offer...
  3. D

    Brian May pickups and wiring question(s)

    Many thanks for another valuable contribution! I'm working on an experimental studio guitar, using a routed-out strat style body with a decent neck. It's a bit complicated, involving a switchable sustainer driver and internal Roland GK3 synth access unit working together with an HSS...
  4. D

    Brian May pickups and wiring question(s)

    Thank you so much for this! I was also thinking of adding the series/parallel switching. Superbeast520's post above referred to a circuit sent by "Maik Schrake of Germany" which sounds interesting, but it seems the treblebooster.com site is no longer extant. I guess it used one or two DPST mini...
  5. D

    Brian May pickups and wiring question(s)

    The above wiring diagrams seem to have disappeared. Can anyone kindly supply updated links, please?