Recent content by bassfrancesco

  1. B

    A few things thats need to go...

    The blue guitar is awesomely cool.  Too bad Im a 6 foot heavy dude.  Otherwise, looks likes fun because of P90 and neck.  Damn!
  2. B

    First built - Parts received (pics)

    Awesome!  I would consider a different pickguard, the warmoth mint green/black, or even cream/black.  Very nice tele build, really liking the fretboard choice and paint.  Way to go!!
  3. B

    Can you name the guitarists

    Can you name all the guitarists?  UPDATE Hi Guys, I received a message that this game was already played.  So, this is duplicate, FYI, there are several answers on Mullyman's post, In case you want to follow the first.
  4. B

    Strat P-up install direct to body...

    Yes, Great Ape, no paper!   
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    Strat P-up install direct to body...

    I used tubing on around the screws.  AND  foam that came with pickups, underneath pickup to make it level.  Its trial n error.  Improvise, jus don't use paper... 
  6. B

    Need Advice for new Warmoth LP, Action and Setup Problems

    Hi Reluctant, You should play the guitar first with clean, not distortion, on your video.  You and we will hear fret buzz.  The distortion from your amp is getting in the way.  Change the strings to 11 or even as low as ten, with quality strings. I suggest to tighten truss rod: 1 to...
  7. B

    some newbee questions about tru oil finish on koa and walnut

    Hi Klangster, My experince says no, yes, and no.  Perhaps yes.  ???  To clarify, don't try to pore fill wenge or Koa.  They are hard enough and will last over time.  Apply your tru oil.  What you see in those pics you posted is a guitar that is not pore filled.  I went the long way and it was...
  8. B

    Tooooooo shiny! any advice welcome please

    Not a bad case with your finish.  Just stop adding layers.  Put your parts on and start using it.  The tru oil is a gunstock finish and will fade in a few months with use.  With strumming, ripping cool licks and chords, will wear the finish, fast.  Play morning and night, and at lunch too.  Keep...
  9. B

    hollow body jazzmaster

    Thanks for the link.  Cool Guitar, I would play that, different pickguard/pu covers/binding.  Maybe I'll make a better one using Warmoth parts and play the heck out of it.  :party07:
  10. B

    BK Cabronita

    That is very cool.  I am totally into this build and have thought of cabronita with dark wood and tv jones'.  Good job.  Cool.
  11. B

    StratoPaul in the works

    Suzanne you're on the right track in my book.  Guitar looks awesome with the neck.  Consider this rockin' example of a warmoth neck and body taken to the extreme.  Your cool factor just went way up.  Don't discredit the neck for the inlays.  I don't consider it bling at all.  If you play live...
  12. B

    Body Wood for P-90 SG

    I play finger style electric guitar.  Picks for acoustic.  Finger style for bass.  The pics I have I let my friends use.  None in the wash. 
  13. B

    Bigsby B7... the hardtail guy's trem?

    Like CB,  I use the bigsby in the same way.  My neighbor has a '68 Gibson 335.  When I finish a lick or in the middle of phrasing, I swing the bar and gives a sweet vibrato.  I don't go too far, I don't see the need.  This is through a '63 fender brown deluxe amp.  It stays in tune and adds to...
  14. B

    Purple birdseye tele

    Wow!  I would totally play that with the brown guard.  Wouldn't change a thing.
  15. B

    Favorite Non-Warmoth. (Non-warmoth content)

    Tim Frick rock guitar.  Built like a tank.  Fralin P90s.