
Recent content by Akabbbb

  1. Akabbbb

    Gunstreet Wiring Harness

    Thanks Aaron! I may need to also get one for the LP.
  2. Akabbbb

    Gunstreet Wiring Harness

    Thanks Rick! This will be my first attempt at assembling a guitar. But I have a lot of experience with setups and changing out electronics. For the past few years I have felt the need for a Telecaster as my musical interests have expanded from all hard rock/metal. I have played many Telecasters...
  3. Akabbbb

    Gunstreet Wiring Harness

    I am planning my first Telecaster build and the part I feel most comfortable with would be wiring and soldering, but then I saw this solderless wiring harness and it looks so clean. In a search of the forums I have seen them listed on a couple of builds and hope to get some feedback on the...