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    Threaded inserts - neck/body attachment

    For anybody that uses these inserts for amps,speaker cabinets,or furniture-I just found out from Parts Express tech support that  the "Hurricane Nuts tm" that they carry are zinc.
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    Threaded inserts - neck/body attachment

    SkuttleFunk -The "mystery part" # 10176 -06616 means that 10176 is the store and possibly region.The 101 number at the store here ends in three different digits.The 06616 is the actual Fastenal stock #.The gal said she would get me the inserts,but the stock number wasn't in their system at...
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    Threaded inserts - neck/body attachment

    Got it! 10/24 it is then..  I'll head over to Fastenal and see if the shipping box is on the shelf,too. :occasion14:Terry
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    Threaded inserts - neck/body attachment

    Gotta ask-  Is the 10/24 EZ-Loc what you used on this bass? What screws did you find in 10/24? Is the zinc insert adequate in your opinion?One of the inserts in the photos looks like the zinc model is why I ask. There are several threads made in this size.Fastenal site lists quite...
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    Threaded inserts - neck/body attachment

    Great article.I like the idea of this with no back plate. I'll see if I can get this out without seeming out of line.too! Anyone who tries this might also consider the possibility you might have to replace a cap screw  or insert someday.I'm goin'with the flow and say hardened steel or stainless...
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    Custom Neck Plates

    Thought the shell design was  obviously "reptilian" at first glance,and I preferred it.Nothing against the "turtle minstrel",it looks fine on the website or letterhead,but it doesn't get put on anything I build.The Warmoth "W" ,"Made in USA",and a random # on a diecast plate will get a couple of...
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    Bass rigs

    The Peavey is pretty much a workhorse.But for 375 bucks,I don't have to haul a 35-year-old tube  head around and take a chance on damage to it.Sure ain't got the vibe of the fliptop,tho.I built two 6.3 cuft enclosures and may use the 18"s for PA subs. 
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    Bass rigs

    Usin' and abusin' - Furman PL8-II power conditioner,Shure wireless,Ashly CL50 compressor,Korg DTR-2 tuner,Ampeg B15-S,Peavey MK IV head and 3620 cab(2x18&2x10).Fender fretless J supplies my signal.Most of the time I take the Ampeg cab and Peavey head.Where I play it's tight with 3 or 4 of us,and...
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    Tung oil - how many coats is enough

    Same here! I'd sand them down lightly to level'em out,then I always buff the entire layer to try to get an overall even-looking sheen between coats.
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    Tru-Oil Information Needed

    Here's a shot of my Warmoth J neck finished in TruOil.Satine and ebony,no stain,no filler,just 5 coats with a little light buffing using a fine white synthetic pad.It's a bit glossy here because I haven't buffed the last coat.It's more "satiny" now.Looks and feels great. Terry  An added...
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    Dang! I like the exotic toilet seat idea.......make mine fretless,please......