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  1. TexxasJam

    David Byrne's Axe...What kind is it?

    Cool! Thanks Bagman67.  :glasses10:
  2. TexxasJam

    David Byrne's Axe...What kind is it?

    Hello Everyone     Long time no post, hope everyone is well... Question: What kind of guitar is David Byrne playing in this clip of from the film "Stop Making Sense". Slippery People 
  3. TexxasJam


    Cool. Thanks for the reply.  :headbang: :occasion14:        From Wikipedia...(link below) “Leo Fender kept giving Dale amps and Dale kept blowing them up! Till one night Leo and his right hand man Freddy T. (Freddie Tavares) went down to the Rendezvous Ballroom on the Balboa Peninsula in...
  4. TexxasJam


    With all due respect, how is Dick Dale the "The Godfather of Heavy Metal"?  Father of Surf, yes.  On that note, its good to see the thread I started going strong after all this time away from the forum.
  5. TexxasJam

    Where was this Photo Taken?

    I found this picture on Tumblr and was curious as to where it was. No mention on Tumblr as to location...or none that I saw anyway.  Looks like a unique concert hall or arena and looks as if a concert is going at the far end.  :glasses10: I guess I could always ask to girl whose blog this is...
  6. TexxasJam

    [GAMING] Anyone here on Forza Motorsport 4?

    I'm a Gran Turismo kinda guy myself. Though, the newest incarnation of FM4 looks pretty cool.  :icon_thumright:
  7. TexxasJam

    In memory

    I just now saw your post, sorry to hear the sad news.  :(  All of my relatives from WWII (that I knew of) are gone. I love the quote about cigars and brandy...I think he and I would've gotten along.  :icon_smile:
  8. TexxasJam

    Ronnie Hammond 1950-2011

    ARS was great, too bad their stay at the top (of the rock and roll world / charts) was to brief. They produced some great music though.
  9. TexxasJam

    what do you drive ?

    1997 Nissan Truck.
  10. TexxasJam

    Ronnie Hammond 1950-2011

    Sad News for us Classic Rock Afficiandos: Ronnie Hammond, former lead singer of the Atlanta Rhythm Section, died Monday of Heart Failure. He was 60 y.o. Here's a video to remember him by. R.I.P. Ronnie. Article at the link: Atlanta...
  11. TexxasJam

    I love Blue Grass....

    Loved walk this way. I actually understood the lyrics!
  12. TexxasJam

    I love Blue Grass....

    I can do one better. How 'bout a Cleverly's cover of Focus' Hocus Pocus.
  13. TexxasJam

    Theme guitar

    Looks great. Make it a lefty with a Jackson style peghead and it'll be perfect.
  14. TexxasJam

    Theme guitar

    This axe is very close to my dream theme (dream theme?  :laughing7:) guitar. Note that there IS a guitar in that pic.  :glasses10:
  15. TexxasJam

    Theme guitar

    LOL, I'm too lazy for that.
  16. TexxasJam

    Theme guitar

    I always thought a 'V' style guitar would be cool if it were made in the shape of the Star trek logo.
  17. TexxasJam

    Favorite mixed drink

    I'm just a beer drinker but when I get a hankerin' for a mixed drink, I usually enjoy one of these favorites: Seven and Seven (doesn't have to be Seagrams #7 just any fine North American Whisky will do, actually I prefer Jack and Seven) Rum and Coke Margarita (Frozen) Vodka Collins (Its...
  18. TexxasJam

    After nearly a year, I figured it out.

    No Problemo!  Interesting how "We are the Human..." fits the music in place of "We are the Youth Gone Wild".  :party07:
  19. TexxasJam

    Post Pics of your Mancave

    Love them Lefties bro!
  20. TexxasJam

    After nearly a year, I figured it out.

    I was pretty sure that it was either Skid Row or Tesla. I discovered who it was when I started a Skid Row station on my Pandora Internet Radio profile...and guess what the first song outta the gate was?  Youth Gone Wild!  :toothy12: :laughing8: