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  1. N

    Searching for an odd humbucker

    Check out Bill Lawrence pickups, maybe...perhaps the L-600, listed at a reasonable 60USD, is what you would be looking for.
  2. N

    A gaggle of Gecko 5 basses (medium)

    How heavy is the RW topped one?  Balance well?  I ask because I've been using an Ibanez GWB1005 which I have to say is one of the most ergonomic basses I've played...but I'd love to get something of my own, with maybe a bit more personality. All absolutely stunning.  The RW one looks a lot like...
  3. N

    Gecko 5, noob looking for final opinions and advice before placing order

    There is no "wrong way" but you mention a master vol with a master tone, and mention active pickups.  Most active pickups are active because they feed into an onboard preamp, so you may double check those pickups and see how they are traditionally wired, they may possibly come with a preamp and...
  4. N

    Padauk and lace burl redwood build

    There's something about those cutways, it looks like a Rickenbacker (4000/600, the solidbodies) on acid!  Particularly that top one looks like a Ric bass cutaway except bent back a bit. Very cool regardless!  Can't wait to see it under a finish.
  5. N

    Q-tuners who tried them on a guitar?

    I've seen the black q-tuners, those are completely different looking than normal pickups.  What you have in the bridge position of that guitar is an uncovered dual coil humbucker style pickups, albeit an 8 string one.  Two rows of non-black polepieces, on in the middle of each coil.  Very...
  6. N

    Q-tuners who tried them on a guitar?

    I know what you mean re the bridge pickup clean, although its dependent a lot on guitar, player, and style.  My Les Paul clean on the bridge pickup?  Nothing to write home about.  But my jazzmaster with Fralin P-90s?  P90s sound amazing in the bridge position, clean or otherwise.  Oh, and...
  7. N

    Q-tuners who tried them on a guitar?

    Got to agree with dbw, that was a pretty bad sound clip.  The builder needs to find a better player to record and showcase the guitar...that sort of playing would likely have sounded better even on a basic tele.  I actually like this recording, but I think it has more to do with the playing...
  8. N

    orpheo's crimson guitar

    Hehehe, most of my gear was bought before I got married, started the serious career, had a daughter, etc.!  Now's the time to get them! Pickups are curious.  Very nice piece though, looking forward to a review!
  9. N

    Bass Pickup question

    Personally I wouldn't go too hogwild over the electronics for that bass...not to denigrate it at all, but it looks like a basic, no-frills kind of bass that gets the job done without being fancy, so I'd save my extra money for great pickups for the warmoth build.  I tend to like hum-cancelling...
  10. N

    Half Warmoth P-Bass

    Very nice, love the utter simplicity!  Elegant and I bet a great gigging instrument.
  11. N

    Help me with my grounding problem!

    Well, call me stupid, folks... I spend all morning tinkering, improving the solder joints, fixing shortcuts that I didn't do cleanly, and generally doing things right instead of quickly, and I still can't stop the incessant buzzing and strange behavior (for instance, a shriek of hum when...
  12. N

    Wenge/Ebony J-Bass neck & Sunset Orange Body

    How about something like a wenge top on walnut?
  13. N

    Help me with my grounding problem!

    OK, so here's my grounding problem: I have a two musicman pickup jazz bass.  Just got it wired up today.  The two musicman pickups each go to a series/split/parallel miniswitch, and then go to a gibson style 3-way.  From then on they go to a basic master volume and tone, and then to a mono...
  14. N

    Maple or Rosewood?

    I like the look and feel of rosewood myself.  That said, pickup selection sounds like a more important area of concern based on your desired tone.  Neck material selection has a lot more to do with looks, feel, and cost in my experience, than tone.  Not that it can't effect tone, but its sort of...
  15. N

    Initial Thoughts about Troubled Tele's pickups

    Side comment...honestly the thought of using my Ebow on my lap steel had never occurred to me!  What a great application!  Thanks, for that bit of inspiration, at least!
  16. N

    What is it about strats?

    I guess I'm just bored of the sheer ubiquitousness of strats.  There are lots of annoying little quirks about the 1950s design, just like there is with the tele, and the of the major reasons I like building my own guitars, with improved parts, more intuitive electronics (that second...
  17. N

    Very, VERY, important Radiohead news.

    In Rainbows brought me back from utter me Hail to the Thief and Pablo Honey vie for their weakest albums.  But as the French say, chacun et son gout, which apparently means "to each his own ointment".  Funny people, the French.
  18. N

    Very, VERY, important Radiohead news.

    I dug up OK Computer again, and just starting "Airbag", I have to still think this is Radiohead at its best.  The perfect balance, still melodic, harmonically rich (unlike their more electronic albums), but not just a collection of pop-rock tunes like their first two albums.  To me this is the...
  19. N

    My first Jazz Bass

    Can you detail what the finish was?  You mentioned, oil and wax, are you talking a pure drying oil like pure tung or linseed, or an "oil finish" with varnish compounds?  How many coats? Looks great, regardless!
  20. N

    Very, VERY, important Radiohead news.

    I too would concur that 70s > 90s.  I'm a child of the 90s, and Weezer, Radiohead, Cake, U2, et al put out some great music in that decade.  But the 70s had Yes at their peak, Led Zeppelin, all manner of funk, jazz fusion like Mahavishnu Orchestra, Steely Dan, et cetera et cetera (speaking of...