Search results

  1. N

    HIGH Output PickUp

    just ordered the L 500XLB for my second guitar. still not sure about my warmoth project... probably DiMarzio's Super Distortion any ideas for neck position pickup?? does anybody know which cavity dimarzio and duncan pickups need? thanks so far!!!
  2. N

    HIGH Output PickUp

    Hey stubhead, does the L500XL remind you much of dimebag's sound?
  3. N

    HEAVY body wood

    greets, i'm looking for a heavy body wood that can be used with orig. floyd rose tremolo... heard some people complaining about floyd rose and light weight woods... thanks
  4. N

    HIGH Output PickUp

    hi there, i'm going to buy a warmoth guitar and now i'm thinking about which pick ups i should get... as you can read the subject i'd need high output. further it should be a passive PU. I'm thinking about a DiMarzio Super Distortion (DP 100) for BRIDGE position and a DiMarzio Super 2 (DP 104)...