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  1. D

    Tone pot fail?

    So I was switching the tone pot for the neck pickup on my archtop from a 500 to a 250, since I had switched to a single coil and it was sounding a bit too bitey. Additionally, something had come apart in the wiring and the tone pot had been non functional for a while, so I needed get around to...
  2. D

    to modify the neck pocket or the neck heel?

    So I'm just wondering what people's thoughts on this are. I've been planning my next build in the back of my mind for over a year now. It may or may not happen some time soon, there are many variables involving gear being bought and sold... but anyhow, the thing is that I want to build a...
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    Buffing out scratches

    I just picked up an Epiphone Les Paul DC pretty cheap on craigslist. It had lollar pickups and was selling for barely more than what it'd cost me to get that set of pickups new. So I thought I would buy it, pull the pickups and replace them with something cheaper, clean the thing up, and turn it...
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    Modifying/manipulating one coil from a humbucker

    I was wondering if it's possible to take an existing humbucking pickup and alter/modify only one of the two coils. The reason I ask is because I have a dual humbucker guitar with a switch that gives me one coil from each in parallel in the center position. I really like the way it sounds with...
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    Anyone not like the feel of playing flat-top guitars?

    I was wondering if anyone else used to playing carved-top or arched top guitars finds playing a flat-top guitar with a pickguard-mounted pickups to be really awkward or uncomfortable. It just totally throws off my right-hand having the strings so close to the body and having the actual guitar...
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    anybody like noisy art-punk or experimental rock?

    So i've been working on some new music with a drummer for the last few months, and two weeks ago we started recording some more involved demos at my house. It's been the first really solid project i've worked on since I moved to Portland, and really my first serious collaborative effort in...
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    Is this is a good deal?
  8. D

    Using a crossover to blend two pickups?

    This is a random thought that crossed my mind once a long time ago and just occurred to me again now. I've never much cared for the middle position setting on a two-humbucker electric guitar. I mean, it's not totally useless. but it was always one of those things where I felt like it grabbed the...
  9. D

    Simple, solid color paint finish on Mahogany

    So I've had enough free time on my hands to obsess over the details of my next build. One thing I'm sure of: the body will be mahogany, and I'm probably going for a sonic blue finish. of course, the more expensive it is the longer it means i have to wait to get it. So I'm thinking about saving...
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    alternate and/or bound f-holes

    I think this has been said once before, but is there any chance Warmoth will start offering alternate f-hole shapes and/or f-hole binding? And if not, is there a specific reason or is it just a matter of lacking the market? I saw this guitar and was inspired, as I've been thinking about a...
  11. D

    An interesting comparison of waveforms

    I was just listening to "Take Five" by the Dave Brubeck Quartet, and I was marveling at the incredible dynamics with which jazz musicians play. This got me thinking about mastering and track compression, as it's something I've been reading about a bit on forums and in Sound On Sound (excellent...
  12. D

    Getting your thoughts on music I'm working on

    So I've never before gone to the boards for feedback on my own original work, but i thought why the hell not. Worst come to worst nobody feels it and I go back to keeping my mouth shut. Since I moved to Portland, i've started jamming with a LOT of different musicians going in a LOT of different...
  13. D

    Closest thing to a single coil pickup in a humbucker-sized mount?

    After my experiment with a thinline earlier this year, I decided the bright twangy tele sound is not for me. But I did think that the tele neck pickup I got from Ken @ Roadhouse was a beautifully clear sounding pickup that really brought out the voice of the guitar. And I've been loving the...
  14. D

    Matching Ibanez fret size

    I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can find out the dimensions/sizes of Ibanez frets?  I can't find anything on their website and I'm trying to figure out what the actual size is of their "Large" frets.
  15. D

    Bass finger-rest below the strings

    Sorry if this is one of those no-brainers, but why do I always see basses where there's a rest below the strings??? I never understood it at all, and i see them more than I see thumb rests where i would expect them to be, above the strings... the questionable appear as such:
  16. D

    Reparing chipped finish?

    I'm currently bidding on a guitar on ebay that has a major chip in the finish on the back of the neck, as well as a big scratch down the back of the body. I've pictured them in attachments. I kinda regret bidding before doing any research, but I figured that it can't be that hard to repair the...
  17. D

    Blending pickups with two volume controls (P/J help)

    So i have this issue when trying to blend two pickups with their independent volume pots. If pickup A and B are both at full volume, i get a combined sound. But if Pickup A is at full volume and I reduce the volume of pickup B ever so slightly, pickup B drops out completely and I have just...
  18. D

    Help selecting bass pup configuration

    So my home-made replacement body for my ibanez BTB is almost ready for playing. In fact, I have a very talented artist friend from NYC coming to check it out and brainstorm how she might finish it. But before she can make any final calls on how to paint it, I need to figure out what pickup...
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    trem's affect on tone

    I've heard mixed reviews from people about trem-equipped guitars and how the trem does or doesn't affect the sound of the instrument. Some people claim that all that metal in the equation makes the guitar thinner and brighter. some people say it takes away sustain - some people have said it adds...
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    omg, it got here early (PJ, no pictures yet)

    I was told my bass body would probably be until August before it arrived and i was starting to worry I'd have no time to assemble, let alone play it before I moved. Both body and neck just came today!!!! and of course, my girlfriend is out of town with the only camera i might use to take...