Search results

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    NGD non-warmoth

    Hey guys, it's been a while. Wassup? I got a new guitar this summer, but unfortunately it's not a very good one for hair or even hairless metal. Guild GAD M-120. It's pretty sweet! All solid hog, grover tuners, satin finish neck and I think 1.75" at the nut. Just a great acoustic blues / folk...
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    What else do they sell on Ebay besides guitars?

    Some really great values out there!: The challenge: To find something less appealing on Ebay!
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    Short scale Jag bass!

    If you made them, I would either buy one, or I would lust after one. Not sure which, and can't make any promises. But you've got to admit it would be very cool.
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    The worst or the best of all possible electrics?

    This thing sucks! Only 21 frets, weird body shape, fragile paint, noisy pickups, antiquated bridge and switching system, no trem. On the other hand - only 21 frets, weird body shape, fragile paint, noisy pickups, antiquated bridge and switching system, no trem.
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    Thoughts for the future guitar collection

    I've pretty much cleared my shelves of anything ebay-able that I don't use. Sad but it was needed. Now all I have left on the shelf is a hardtail strat body and most of the miscellaneous bits including three tuners and a Dangerous neck plate. The body is a botched nitro sunburst, my first. So...
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    A lot of nice parts for sale

    There are three circumstances here: 1) I got divorced and that was expensive. But worth it. 2) I have a massive tax bill. 3) Truth be told I'm more of an acoustic player now and I'm very likely to remain so. Three electrics - a great tele, a great strat, and another tele with a slide setup - are...
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    Another strat for me?

    This one has kind of just fallen together - a used body from the board, a neck rejected by an ebay buyer, a good deal on some pups, etc. Body is very very light, pups are duncan '59 and JB, I have a PG bridge pup I could use instead, neck is a pro SRV 6150 with nitro finish. I haven't done a...
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    Starting up a band - how do you guys do it?

    So far, my MO is advertise on craigslist or respond to one there, agree via email on a couple of covers, then get together at a practice space for like two hours. that worked a couple of times before. This time I got a really weird response from some guy when i suggested a tune or two to jam on...
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    Tough finishing Q

    I have this really really nice tele: Though now of course it has no middle pup and a SD mini hum in the neck. What, you thought I'd leave a guitar alone? If I don't mess with them, I'll have to learn to play them... But the finish that I...
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    What am I gonna do with these parts?

    Strat neck, all maple. Bridge humbucker - SD pearly gates with a magnet swap dual HB black strat pickguard all the parts for the controls including a super switch strap buttons all the screws and stuff wire solder credit card And NOOOOOOO need for another electric guitar!! Somebody help me.
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    Dreams or Go Your Own Way

    Which makes the best F.M. cover for a basic eclectic bar set? Paralysis by Analysis happening over here.
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    Cheap and nasty metal distortion ideas

    Hey guys: I'm playing a couple of songs at my next gig where I need a nasty chainsaw distortion. I have never owned an actual distortion pedal, only overdrives. Has anyone used the Danelectro metal pedals...
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    New Lap on the way

    Lap Steel, that is. Details: Custom ordered from R. Cordle at Bluestem Strings. He was brilliant at communicating, punctual, and awesome with my special requests. It's 22" scale setup for C6 with a standard Lollar P90. 500k volume, no tone. I may add a .01 uf cap on a mini toggle depending on...
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    Ebay question

    I've been on there for a few years now, done a reasonable amount of buying and selling. Usually it works great. But I just sold my strat neck to this guy who now wants to return it "because the finish doesn't feel smooth enough to play licks up and down the neck" and "it doesn't feel smooth like...
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    Carved Tele Canary Neck Complete

    Well. Definitely the best overall W build I've done and perhaps, pending final setup and fret end dressing, the finest guitar I've played. This just came together perfectly for me. Sonically it does EXACTLY what I'd hoped, from extra-twangy but not icepicky trad tele to nick thick midrangey...
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    Hurricane Irene thread

    So, this is my first hurricane in the US! Been in typhoons in Japan but not on the coast. NYC is battened down tight (well, relatively speaking...). First subway shutdown due to weather in NYC history. Anyhow, hope everyone is safe! Keep your guitars on the high ground.
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    Vintage white Carved Tele w/ canary neck: First bits here edit: body arrived

    Neck is here! Body shipped today. Canary / Pao Ferro, VM '59. It's perfect in every way, just as I've come to expect.
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    FS / T: W pro strat neck SRV all maple 6150

    Corian nut, nitro finish (applied by me - I think it's a good job). Slight vintage tint comes from a light stain I did before spraying. About 3.5 years old, a little bit of fret wear but a long ways from needing any work. The frets have been professionally leveled (full level and crown) - the...
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    FS: Pickups, mainly

    1. Dimarzio Area t neck pickup, perfect condition $50 2. Bill Lawrence "Keystone" single coil tele neck pickup, w/ plastic non-conductive cover (looks like a classic tele pup), $30 - this is a very strat-like clear toned pickup unlike a typical tele neck pup. If you want the look of the tele...
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    Thinking about a 40th bday guitar

    1. It's got to be a tele! The perfect, ultimate tele. Which does not = two high output buckers and a Floyd, for those wondering! The perfect tele sounds and looks like a tele but has the flaws removed - good intonation, body contour, etc. 2. Just ordered the neck, pics below. VM '59 canary /...